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I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, : I am mad for it to be in contact with me.

- Walt Whitman: From Song of Myself (1855)

Images left, above and right courtesy Integral Nacktiv.

Hanging out in an English nudist garden

Other stories:

Nudist's naked burial wish denied [story about Robert Norton]


Holmgren Design Services

Permaculture - Wikipedia entry

Humorous t-shirt

Co-ed Naked Gardening

Naked Gardening in Cinema

"Off the Map" (2003) is a 2003 drama film directed by Campbell Scott. The main characters enjoyed at-home nudity including naked gardening, as seen in the movie trailer.

Crops that can change the world

HIA | Vote Hemp


Make World Naked Gardening Day EVERY DAY!


Media, press and blogging coverage of WNGD

More information can be found on the
WNGD Wikipedia article.


The Naturist Society has been a leader in promoting body acceptance and nude recreation for more than 20 years.

"Officially, The Naturist Society was formed in 1980. Unofficially, however, it goes back much further, to the American "free beach" movement of the 1970s and, earlier still, to a back-to-nature ethos that emerged in Europe during the industrial revolution."

The Naturist Society is also the home of Nude & Natural (N) magazine, the leading publication on naturism in the United States and the authority on socially responsible and adventurous social nudity.

The image above is from issue 26.2, Winter 2006.

The Naturist Action Committee (NAC) exists to advance and protect the rights of naturists throughout North America. NAC supports the responsible recreational nude use of public lands.

WNGD is very grateful to the friendly people at the ClothesFree International for their support of our mission and for hosting our web site.

World Naked Bike Ride - It is time to stop indecent exposure to automobile emissions and to celebrate the power and individuality of our bodies! Naked Bicycle People Power!

Wreck Beach Preservation Society To preserve the Wreck Beach area [near University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia], including foreshore and cliffs, in as nearly a natural state as possible from Spanish Banks West to the Musqueam Reserve!

Going Organic - Organic gardening and living made easy! Find out more about organic gardening enthusist Jay North's naked gardening advocacy in "Is Grandpa Naked in the Garden again?")

Seattle Free Beach Campaign (SFBC) In addition to encouraging au naturel use of local beaches, SFBC also works with Seattle Parks & Recreation and NAC in organizing beach cleanups.

Work Less Party "Work less, consume less, live more. By doing this we will have a better quality of life, and at the same time preserve something of our planet for future generations." The Work Less Party also founded the World Naked Bike Ride.

Oregon Clothing-Optional Beach Alliance (ORCOBA) A non-profit, grass-roots collection of individuals dedicated to the preservation, maintenance, protection and promotion of family-friendly, clothing-optional recreation at Oregon's two officially-designated nude beaches, Sauvie Island (Collins Beach) and Rooster Rock State Park.

FKKayakers is a loosely-knit group of beginner and experienced open water kayakers who like to paddle naked and venture out to remote skinny-dipping locations.

Integral Nacktiv A German outdoor recreation group. Nacktiv is a combination of the German word naked=nackt and active=aktiv. Integral means, that nakedness should not be something hidden, something you must be ashamed of: we integrate our nakedness in every-day-live. We are not only naked at home, but also in many outdoor-activities, such like biking, jogging, walking, riding and so on.

WNGD is a collaborative project founded in May of 2005 by the Body Freedom Collaborative (BFC)